Gods Purpose For Man



Do you ever stop and think what is Gods purpose for you. Sometimes we feel like Job (Job 3:1-26) but, without the benefit at the end. Seem like everything is against us and nothing goes our way. We even see people who don’t serve the Lord, having a better life then us. All we know is heartache and we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Jesus tell us in (John 16:33) that life was not going to be easy but, by trusting Him we will be in good hands and He has control of everything. God Has A Purpose For Our Lives.


I certainly believe God has a purpose or a plan for all of us. Many of us go through Life without ever thinking about it but, it doesn’t change the truth that God gave us life for a purpose. We aren’t here by accident, we are here because God put us here. He certainly put us here for a reason, so we can come to Him and have a personal relationship with Him, and live the way He wants us to live.


The greatest discovery we can make is finding out that we were created to know and worship God. God not only has a general purpose for each of us but, He has a specific Plan for each of lives. He knows you (Jeremiah 1:5) and chose you before you were even born.


That is why we must Pray and seek God’s Will when we face tribulations and have Faith in knowing He has our best interest in mind when He does what He Does, even when we think is bad or we don’t understand.


The Bible tells us “Teach Me Your, O Lord and lead me on a level path because of my enemies (Psalms 27:11-14).


How do we find out what God’s plan is for our lives. First we must commit our lives to Jesus Christ and seek His wisdom (Psalms 111:10). We can’t wonder through life not knowing what God wants us to do. We must read His word and understand how He wants us to Glorify His name.


Each of us has our own calling, we cannot go by what other brothers and sisters are doing, we must seek our own calling. God’s Word says that “For My Thoughts are not your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8) so we need to seek His guidance in whatever we do, because everything we do is to Glorify His Name Forever.



God Bless,




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